

主营:山东绿化苗木 山东苗木基地


  • 国槐木习性知多少?

    国槐树干涂白还是很有必要的。那么国槐树干涂白的方法都有哪些呢?下面山东苗木基地为您介绍: China tree stem with white or very be necessary. So China tree method of dry white painted what? The following for you to introduce Shandong seedlings base: 1.如是道路两旁的国槐树,应保持涂白高度一样,保持美观。隔离带行道树统一高度1.2-1.5米,同一路段,较好保持一致。 1 where is the road on both sides of the tree, should be kept white height, maintain appearance. Isolation belt of trees of uniform height of 1.2-1.5 meters, the same section, it is best to keep consistent. 2.适当稀释涂液,要对树皮的缝隙、洞孔、树杈等地方重复涂刷,避免涂刷流失。 The coating liquid 2 appropriate dilution, to bark, branches and other places, slot holes to avoid repeated brushing, brushing loss. 3.可将72%的水、22%生石灰、3%石硫合剂和3%食盐混合均匀涂刷,涂白剂的浓度要合适,以涂上树干后不往下流又不粘团为宜,生石灰一定要溶化,否则它吸水放热会烧伤国槐树干。山东苗木基地://www.jnbmy.com/ 3 will be the 72% water, 22% lime, 3% lime sulphur and 3% salt mixture evenly, concentration of white agent must be appropriate, painted the trunk after not flow down will not stick to the appropriate mission, lime must dissolve, otherwise it will burn water heat release of Sophora japonica tree trunk. 山东苗木基地/山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 种植广玉兰无难事,山东苗木基地

     很多想种植广玉兰的朋友们都想知道广玉兰应该怎样种植。现在我们山东苗木基地就为大家解惑了! 一、广玉兰的繁殖方式主要有播种和嫁接。以下是具体介绍: (一)播种育苗  1.采收和种子贮藏 广玉兰的果实在9—10月成熟,成熟时其果实开裂,露出红色假种皮,需在其果实微裂、假种皮刚呈红黄色时及时采收。果实采下后,放置阴处晾5—6天,促使开裂,取出具有假种皮的种子,放在清水中浸泡1—2天,擦去假种皮除出瘪粒,也可拌以草木灰搓洗除去假种皮。取得的白净种子拌入煤油或磷化锌以防鼠害。  2.播种 播种期有随采随播(秋播)及春播两种。苗床地要选择肥沃疏松的砂质土壤,深翻并灭草灭虫,施足基肥。床面平整后,开播种沟,沟深5厘米,宽5厘米,沟距20厘米左右,进行条播,将种子均匀播于沟内,覆土后稍压实。  3.播种苗管理 在幼苗具2至3片真叶时可带移植。由于苗期生长缓慢,要经常除草松土。5至7月间,施追肥3次,可用充分腐熟的稀薄粪水。   (二)嫁接育苗  嫁接常用木兰(木笔、辛夷)作砧木。木兰砧木用扦插或播种法育苗,在其干径达0.5厘米左右即可作砧木用。3至4月采取广玉兰带有顶芽的健壮枝条作接穗,接穗长5至7厘米,具有1至2个腋芽,剪去叶片,用切接法在砧木距地面3至5厘米处嫁接。接后培土,国槐苗木微露接穗顶端,促使伤口愈合。也可用腹接法进行,接口距地面5至10厘米左右。有些地区用天目木兰、凸头木兰等作砧木,嫁接苗木生长较快,效果更为理想。 山东苗木基地更多苗木知识等着你! 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/ 吨袋://www.sdmlbz.com/ 济南防腐木://www.jnszj.cn/ 西斯尔洛科威岩棉://www.yqwy.net/ 济南推拉门://www.sd-24899.com/ 济南中央空调://www.meiqizhileng.com.cn/ 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/ 济南密度板://www.jnzmdb.com/ 特色包子加盟://www.nayunxian.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 山东绿化苗木之冬季修剪法桐

      好多人都喜欢在春天来临之前修剪树木,但是这真的是对植物较好的选择吗?不,不是的.其实法桐较好的修剪时间是在冬季.现在就让我们山东绿化苗木的专家给大家讲解一下吧!       法桐是我国栽培比较广泛的树种之一,在通常的情况下多是作为行道树来进行栽培的。在其栽培的办理中,冬天期间的修剪整理是必不可少,且要及时、合理。由于法桐冬天的整形修剪对它的成长、树形都有着重要的影响。及时合理的修剪,能够在较短的时间内完结树形的纠正,使得树形朝着宏伟规矩、挺立美丽的方向开展,一起还能够使得树体的免疫力得到增强。如果修剪不及时的话,不只形成树形的乱七八糟,并且还极易呈现主枝长、叶少的表象。在很大程度上的降低了它的观赏价值。 山东苗木基地 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 让国槐树苗快速生根你能办到吗?

        国槐树苗的根相当于人们的脚,人没脚可火,树没根不能活。所以问题来了,国槐生根你知道吗?想让国槐快速生根吗?接下来就看看我们山东绿化苗木的吧!     山东绿化苗木认为国槐树苗的生根的办法很重要,一般来说,枝条木栓安排较兴旺的果树种类较难生根,扦插前先将表皮木栓层剥去,增强插穗吸水才能,可推进发根。用刀在插穗基部刻2 至3公分长的伤口,至韧皮部,可在纵伤口间构成摆放规整的不定根。剪稿前15—20天在母株上预备用作插稿的枝条基部环剥一圈皮层(宽3-5公分),有利于促发不定根。 看到以上的介绍是不是也觉得苗木生根很重要呢?要想知道跟多苗木知识请继续关注我们山东绿化苗木(//www.jnbmy.com/)的网站 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/ 吨袋://www.sdmlbz.com/ 山东防腐木://www.jnszj.cn/ 西斯尔洛科威岩棉://www.yqwy.net/ 济南推拉门://www.sd-24899.com/ 济南中央空调://www.meiqizhileng.com.cn/ 特色包子加盟://www.nayunxian.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 让盆栽桂花树冠丰满的修剪

    具体做法如下: The specific practices are as follows: (1)、掰枝逼芽: 当春天抽发的嫩枝多数封顶停止生长时,将所有新枝全部由基部掰掉,如系3年以上的树苗,有时为了保持树冠均衡,也可在枝条偏缺部位留1~2个新梢不去,但切不可多留,否则影响逼芽效果。由于树枝顶端生长优势被破坏,迫使营养生长点重新分配。在初春抽枝的同时,也是根部猛长阶段,却突然掰去了所有新梢,打破了根须与枝条的生长平衡,促使枝条周围的腋芽迅速萌动,经10天左右便一齐萌发出来,比原来掰掉的新枝要多3~5倍。或更多一些。由于新逼出的枝条成倍增多,养分分散,因此,新枝短而紧凑,有利于及早成形和进入花期。 (1), breaking branches forced bud: when spring pumping shoot most capped stopped growing, all new shoots You Ji broke off all department, such as the Department of more than 3 years the trees, sometimes in order to maintain canopy equilibrium, also can be in the branch partial lack of parts to stay 1 to 2 NEW shoots not to go, but dont can stay, otherwise the impact force bud effect. The branch tip growth advantage is destroyed, forcing the redistribution of vegetative growth point. In the spring a at the same time, is also the root of Meng long stage, suddenly breaking off to all the new shoots, roots and branches broke the growth balance, promote branches around the axillary bud germinating quickly, by about 10 days we went out to the germination, 3 ~ 5 times than the original break off shoots. or some more. Because the new force branches have multiplied, nutrient dispersed, therefore, branches short and compact, is conducive to the early forming and enter florescence. (2)、发芽期间: 只能施一点稀的液肥,甚至不施肥,当新枝叶片基本展开,枝条封顶停长时,适量追肥,逐渐加大追肥量就安全无事了。 (2), the germination period: can only be executed a little dilute liquid fertilizer, even without fertilization, when new shoots leaf basic expansion, branch cap stop long, amount of topdressing, gradually increase the quantity of dressing is safe. 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/ 山东防腐木://www.jnszj.cn/ 特色包子加盟://www.nayunxian.com/ 济南中央空调://www.meiqizhileng.com.cn/ 吨袋: //www.sdmlbz.com/ 烤漆房://www.zqtzcjx.com  电缆桥架://www.sdhangfeng.com 滑触线://www.jnjndq.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 山东苗木基地之百合花的养殖六要

    1.土壤打理 山东苗木基地将选择好的土壤挖深到30厘米,找些草炭或者落叶铺在土里松松,每亩大概2-3立方米,土壤做好消毒的防备,用农化肥使土壤有微酸性。 The choice of good soil digging deep to 30 cm, find some peat or soil loose leaves spread in pine, with per mu about 2-3 cubic meters of soil disinfection, ready preparedness, with chemical fertilizer the soil is acidic. 2.做好花床 花床的要求为高20厘米,宽80-100厘米,床可以堆高一点,两床之间留宽40厘米的距离,长度根据你自己的要求而定。 The flower beds, the requirements for high 20 cm, 80-100 cm wide, the bed can be piled high, two bed between the retaining width 40 cm distance, length in accordance with the requirements of your own. 3.花种栽培 花种的栽植需要根据花的繁育时间及生育周期来定,并且未过休眼期的花球不易栽种,在栽种之前需要对花种消毒,这里就不详细多说了。 Flower planting need according to the breeding time spent and reproductive cycle to decide, and not resting stage of curd is not easy to grow, the need for seed sterilization before planting, there is no detailed say. 栽种时先把离种的地面8厘米的土扒开,量好尺寸把钉板或树根打孔固定,打完孔后再用旁边的土填平。山东苗木基地//www.jnbmy.com/ When the first species planted from the ground 8 cm soil opens, a good size amount of nail plate or root punch fixed, after reoccupy after next to the soil fill hole. 4.水分管理 花种栽下去后需按技术标准来浇水,可以用直灌或喷洒的方式来浇,夏季容易干枯,需要多浇水,但不能大水灌,浇水标准直到下层湿润为止,注意不要积水太多造成烂根,空气保持在70度左右。 Flowers planted after according to the technical standard to watering, can be sprayed with straight or way to cast, summer is easy to dry, need more water, but not flood irrigation, water standard until the lower wet now, pay attention not to too much water cause rot, air maintained at 70 degrees. 5.光照培育 切百合喜欢光线普照,不耐荫,尤其是在冬天用光照效果会更好,夏季光线太强,需要有遮盖物挡住30%的强光,有利于生长,白天光照足够后,晚上要盖上草帘,延时光照时间。山东苗木基地//www.jnbmy.com/ Cut lily like light shines, no shade, especially in the winter with the light effect will be better, the summer light is too strong, need to have the light covering block 30%, is conducive to growth, day light enough, at night to cover hulls, delay the time of illumination. 6.花种营养 小花苗长出茎后需要按时施肥,一般10-15天施一次肥,要注意观察叶苗的颜色,如果发黄,就需要喷洒尿素,硫酸亚铁等微肥,直到花蕾长到6厘米高,施肥停止。 Flower seedlings grow stem needs after fertilization time, usually 10-15 days to apply fertilizer, to observe the leaves of seedling of color, if yellow, it needs spraying urea, ferrous sulfate fertilizer, until the buds grow up to 6 cm tall, fertilization stop. 山东苗木基地、山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 山东苗木基地之苗木灌溉的方法

     山东苗木基地的苗木灌溉必须根据气候条件的变化灵活掌握。一般来说,春季到初夏,苗木处于旺盛生长期。由于南方的雨水较多,只要灌溉3~4次即可;而北方是干旱期,要灌7~8次。初夏,南方进入梅雨季节,这时要注意排水,否则会降低土壤有机质的分解速度,破坏苗木根系的正常呼吸,常引起根系腐烂甚至死亡。山东苗木基地要建立完善的排水系统,做到内水能排外水不侵。盛夏时,如若高温又干旱,必须增加灌水次数。秋季,虽然南北方雨量不同,但为了让苗木组织充实和木质化,准备越冬,一般不灌水。冬季,南方不灌水,北方则要在土地冰冻前灌一次冻水,以利于苗木越冬。山东苗木基地灌溉方法主要分地面灌溉,滴灌和喷灌,根据苗木的品种或季节,可选择相应的灌溉方式。 Seedling irrigation must be flexible according to the change of climate master. In general, spring to early summer, the seedlings in a vigorous growth period. Because of rain in the South more, as long as the irrigation can be 3~4 times; while the north is dry period, the irrigation in 7~8 times. Early summer, the south into the rainy season, then pay attention to drainage, otherwise it will reduce the decomposition rate of soil organic matter, the normal respiratory failure seedling root, often causing root rot and even death. To establish a perfect drainage system, water can water do not invading the pai. At the height of summer, if high temperature and drought, must increase the number of irrigation. In autumn, while the north and South rainfall is different, but in order to make seedling tissue enriched and lignification, prepare for the winter, generally not irrigation. In winter, the south is irrigation, north to land before freezing in a cold water irrigation, in order to facilitate the seedlings overwintering. Irrigation method mainly consists of surface irrigation, drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation, according to seedling varieties or season, select the appropriate mode of irrigation. 苗木从土壤中吸收的水分主要来源于雨水、地下水及灌溉水。山东苗木基地部分苗木对水的要求较为严格,不合理的浇灌会造成苗木的生长不良,因此在栽植过程中要特别注意灌溉方面的问题。山东苗木基地 Water the seedlings absorb from the soil as the main source of irrigation water, groundwater and rainwater. Requirements on the part of the water is relatively strict seedlings, unreasonable irrigation will cause the growth of seedlings of bad, so in the process of planting should pay special attention to irrigation problems. 总而言之,山东苗木基地苗木的灌溉需要具体问题具体分析,合理的灌溉排水不仅可以降低养护的资金,而且可以增加苗木产量。山东苗木基地 To make a long story short, seedling irrigation requires concrete analysis of concrete problems, reasonable irrigation and drainage can not only reduce the maintenance fund, but also can increase the seedling yield. 山东苗木基地、山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 走过路过的园林绿化请注意

     园林绿化对我们每一个人都有着重要的意义。现在我们山东苗木基地的小编就为大家介绍一下 1.加强计划规划.       城市绿洲包含公共绿洲,单位附属绿洲,出产绿洲,防护绿洲和风景林地等,它们各有不一样的特色和功用,因而,园林绿洲并不是单一的植物培养,是多工程,多部门,多学科归纳建造办理的表现,应根据园林绿洲的不一样类型和功用进行个性化规划。 2.坚持适地适树,以乡土树种为主的准则.       例如,路途美化要选择冠大荫浓,速生的种类,如:毛白杨,法桐,泡桐,臭椿,刺槐,国槐等;居民小区美化要以观赏价值高的种类为主,如:合欢,垂柳,五角柳,栾树等,街头绿洲要根据不一样的功用需求,装点一些观叶,观花或观形的种类.  3.要操控外地树苗,特别是南边树苗.      因为气候环境联系,南边树苗到北方后,立刻栽植则成活率低,缓苗期长.外地引入的树种,要通过至少一年的培养驯化,调查实验后再大面积推行栽植.  4.把握不一样树种的物候期,当令栽植.      春季从土壤解冻到树木发芽,即从3月上旬到4月下旬,大约45天~50天摆布,都适合栽树,但少量发芽晚,长叶较艰难的树种,如洋槐,地蜡,紫薇,法桐等,在芽将萌发时栽植成活率较高.  5.春季栽树应忌假植苗.      假栽树苗即秋季起苗后采纳沟坑埋法,将树苗埋入地下,通过一个冬季,来年春季进行栽植.实践证明,假栽树苗春季栽植缓苗慢,成活率极低,通常在30%摆布,尤其是隐芽树种,成活率更低.  6.严厉美化树种的规范,规范.      园林美化树种的规范,规范,直接影响到美化作用,尤其是行道树,胸径应在6厘米~8厘米;大环境美化,居民小区和片林栽树也要在3厘米~5厘米.  7.加强后期办理.      所谓"三分栽,七分管",加强园林绿洲的维护办理,是提高园林美化质量的主要手法,它具长期性,连续性的特色,必须责成专人进行维护办理。 山东苗木基地://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 石榴都具有那些营养价值

    1.广谱抗菌: 石榴皮中含有多种生物碱,抑菌试验证实,石榴的醇浸出物及果皮水煎剂,具有广谱抗菌作用,其对金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌、霍乱弧菌、痢疾杆菌等有明显的抑制作用,其中对志贺氏痢疾杆菌作用较强,石榴皮水浸剂在试管内对各种皮肤真菌也有不同程度的抑制作用,石榴皮煎剂还能抑制流感**;山东苗木基地 1 broad spectrum antibacterial: pomegranate peel contains a variety of alkaloid, antibacterial test confirmed, decoction of alcohol extract and water of pomegranate peel, with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, it has obvious inhibiting effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus hemolyticus, Vibrio cholerae, dysentery bacillus, the strongest effect of Shigella dysenteriae, pomegranate skin water extract had different degrees of inhibition also to various fungal skin in vitro, pomegranate bark decoction can inhibit the influenza virus; 2.收敛,涩肠: 石榴味酸,含有生物碱、熊果酸等,有明显的收敛作用,能够涩肠止血,加之其具有良好的抑菌作用,所以是治疗痢疾、泄泻、便血及遗精、脱肛等病症的良品; 2 convergence, astringent intestinal: Pomegranate acid, containing alkaloids, ursolic acid and so on, have a significant role in convergence, astringent in intestinal bleeding, and with good effect, so it is a good product for treating dysentery, diarrhea, hematochezia, prolapse of the anus and other diseases and spermatorrhea; 3.驱虫杀虫: 石榴皮以及石榴树根皮均含有石榴皮碱,对人体的寄生虫有麻醉作用,是驱虫杀虫的要药,尤其对绦虫的杀灭作用更强,可用于治疗虫积腹痛、疥癣等;山东苗木基地://www.jnbmy.com 3: pomegranate and pomegranate insect disinfestations root bark of pomegranate peel contain alkali, anesthetic effect on the human body is a parasite, insect disinfestations to medicine, especially the killing effect of tapeworm more, can be used for the treatment of worm parasite, mange etc.; 4.止血,明目: 石榴花性味酸涩而平,若晒干研末,则具有良好的止血作用,亦能止赤白带下。石榴花泡水洗眼,尚有明目效能。 4 hemostasis, eyesight: pomegranate flowers taste sour and flat, if the dry grind end, has good hemostatic effect, also can stop vaginal discharge. The pomegranate flowers bubble eye wash, there are clear efficacy. 山东苗木基地/山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com 吨袋: //www.sdmlbz.com/ 烤漆房://www.zqtzcjx.com  电缆桥架://www.sdhangfeng.com 滑触线://www.jnjndq.com/ 济南中央空调://www.meiqizhileng.com.cn/ 特色包子加盟://www.nayunxian.com/ 地源热泵 //www.zhongrui.cc    米线加盟//www.jnshanhong.com 济南空调安装://www.jnslshwx.com 山东防腐木://www.jnszj.cn/ 山东电缆桥架://www.sddlqj.cn/

    2024-03-22 电议
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