

主营:山东绿化苗木 山东苗木基地


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最后更新时间:2019/3/12 23:20:00


  • 山东苗木基地之百合花的养殖六要
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  • 供货总量:供货量充足

    发货地点:山东 济南






1.土壤打理 山东苗木基地将选择好的土壤挖深到30厘米,找些草炭或者落叶铺在土里松松,每亩大概2-3立方米,土壤做好消毒的防备,用农化肥使土壤有微酸性。 The choice of good soil digging deep to 30 cm, find some peat or soil loose leaves spread in pine, with per mu about 2-3 cubic meters of soil disinfection, ready preparedness, with chemical fertilizer the soil is acidic. 2.做好花床 花床的要求为高20厘米,宽80-100厘米,床可以堆高一点,两床之间留宽40厘米的距离,长度根据你自己的要求而定。 The flower beds, the requirements for high 20 cm, 80-100 cm wide, the bed can be piled high, two bed between the retaining width 40 cm distance, length in accordance with the requirements of your own. 3.花种栽培 花种的栽植需要根据花的繁育时间及生育周期来定,并且未过休眼期的花球不易栽种,在栽种之前需要对花种消毒,这里就不详细多说了。 Flower planting need according to the breeding time spent and reproductive cycle to decide, and not resting stage of curd is not easy to grow, the need for seed sterilization before planting, there is no detailed say. 栽种时先把离种的地面8厘米的土扒开,量好尺寸把钉板或树根打孔固定,打完孔后再用旁边的土填平。山东苗木基地//www.jnbmy.com/ When the first species planted from the ground 8 cm soil opens, a good size amount of nail plate or root punch fixed, after reoccupy after next to the soil fill hole. 4.水分管理 花种栽下去后需按技术标准来浇水,可以用直灌或喷洒的方式来浇,夏季容易干枯,需要多浇水,但不能大水灌,浇水标准直到下层湿润为止,注意不要积水太多造成烂根,空气保持在70度左右。 Flowers planted after according to the technical standard to watering, can be sprayed with straight or way to cast, summer is easy to dry, need more water, but not flood irrigation, water standard until the lower wet now, pay attention not to too much water cause rot, air maintained at 70 degrees. 5.光照培育 切百合喜欢光线普照,不耐荫,尤其是在冬天用光照效果会更好,夏季光线太强,需要有遮盖物挡住30%的强光,有利于生长,白天光照足够后,晚上要盖上草帘,延时光照时间。山东苗木基地//www.jnbmy.com/ Cut lily like light shines, no shade, especially in the winter with the light effect will be better, the summer light is too strong, need to have the light covering block 30%, is conducive to growth, day light enough, at night to cover hulls, delay the time of illumination. 6.花种营养 小花苗长出茎后需要按时施肥,一般10-15天施一次肥,要注意观察叶苗的颜色,如果发黄,就需要喷洒尿素,硫酸亚铁等微肥,直到花蕾长到6厘米高,施肥停止。 Flower seedlings grow stem needs after fertilization time, usually 10-15 days to apply fertilizer, to observe the leaves of seedling of color, if yellow, it needs spraying urea, ferrous sulfate fertilizer, until the buds grow up to 6 cm tall, fertilization stop. 山东苗木基地、山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/


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