

主营:山东绿化苗木 山东苗木基地


  • 山东绿化苗木之冬季修剪法桐

      好多人都喜欢在春天来临之前修剪树木,但是这真的是对植物较好的选择吗?不,不是的.其实法桐较好的修剪时间是在冬季.现在就让我们山东绿化苗木的专家给大家讲解一下吧!       法桐是我国栽培比较广泛的树种之一,在通常的情况下多是作为行道树来进行栽培的。在其栽培的办理中,冬天期间的修剪整理是必不可少,且要及时、合理。由于法桐冬天的整形修剪对它的成长、树形都有着重要的影响。及时合理的修剪,能够在较短的时间内完结树形的纠正,使得树形朝着宏伟规矩、挺立美丽的方向开展,一起还能够使得树体的免疫力得到增强。如果修剪不及时的话,不只形成树形的乱七八糟,并且还极易呈现主枝长、叶少的表象。在很大程度上的降低了它的观赏价值。 山东苗木基地 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 让盆栽桂花树冠丰满的修剪

    具体做法如下: The specific practices are as follows: (1)、掰枝逼芽: 当春天抽发的嫩枝多数封顶停止生长时,将所有新枝全部由基部掰掉,如系3年以上的树苗,有时为了保持树冠均衡,也可在枝条偏缺部位留1~2个新梢不去,但切不可多留,否则影响逼芽效果。由于树枝顶端生长优势被破坏,迫使营养生长点重新分配。在初春抽枝的同时,也是根部猛长阶段,却突然掰去了所有新梢,打破了根须与枝条的生长平衡,促使枝条周围的腋芽迅速萌动,经10天左右便一齐萌发出来,比原来掰掉的新枝要多3~5倍。或更多一些。由于新逼出的枝条成倍增多,养分分散,因此,新枝短而紧凑,有利于及早成形和进入花期。 (1), breaking branches forced bud: when spring pumping shoot most capped stopped growing, all new shoots You Ji broke off all department, such as the Department of more than 3 years the trees, sometimes in order to maintain canopy equilibrium, also can be in the branch partial lack of parts to stay 1 to 2 NEW shoots not to go, but dont can stay, otherwise the impact force bud effect. The branch tip growth advantage is destroyed, forcing the redistribution of vegetative growth point. In the spring a at the same time, is also the root of Meng long stage, suddenly breaking off to all the new shoots, roots and branches broke the growth balance, promote branches around the axillary bud germinating quickly, by about 10 days we went out to the germination, 3 ~ 5 times than the original break off shoots. or some more. Because the new force branches have multiplied, nutrient dispersed, therefore, branches short and compact, is conducive to the early forming and enter florescence. (2)、发芽期间: 只能施一点稀的液肥,甚至不施肥,当新枝叶片基本展开,枝条封顶停长时,适量追肥,逐渐加大追肥量就安全无事了。 (2), the germination period: can only be executed a little dilute liquid fertilizer, even without fertilization, when new shoots leaf basic expansion, branch cap stop long, amount of topdressing, gradually increase the quantity of dressing is safe. 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/ 山东防腐木://www.jnszj.cn/ 特色包子加盟://www.nayunxian.com/ 济南中央空调://www.meiqizhileng.com.cn/ 吨袋: //www.sdmlbz.com/ 烤漆房://www.zqtzcjx.com  电缆桥架://www.sdhangfeng.com 滑触线://www.jnjndq.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
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