

主营:山东绿化苗木 山东苗木基地


  • 山东绿化苗讲述如何应对园林绿化

         山东苗木基地(//www.jnbmy.com/)带来:观念创新就是目标创新,目标创新就是提出别人认为不可能达到的目标,并用创新的办法实现它。     城市绿化一直以来都是城市建设必要的一步,人们享受到了绿化环境带来的舒适体验,下面就山东绿化苗木的管理进行简要概述。希望能对城市绿化建设有所帮助。     首先,坚持适地适树,以乡土树种为主的原则。例如,道路绿化要选择冠大荫浓,速生的品种,如:毛白杨,法桐,国槐等;居民小区绿化要以观赏价值高的品种为主,如:合欢,垂柳,五角柳,栾树等,街头绿地要根据不同的功能要求,点缀一些观叶,观花或观形的品种。     其次,掌握不同树种的物候期,适时栽植。春季从土壤解冻到树木发芽,即从3月上旬到4月下旬,大约45天~50天左右,都适宜植树,但少数发芽晚,长叶较困难的树种,如洋槐,白蜡,紫薇,法桐等,在芽将萌动时栽植成活率较高。     较后,要控制外地苗木,特别是南方苗木。由于气候环境关系,南方苗木到北方后,马上栽植则成活率低,缓苗期长。外地引进的树种,要经过至少一年的栽培驯化,观察试验后再大面积推广栽植。     这些都是我们要认真做到的,这样才能更好的为今后的城市绿化创造更好的有利条件。更多山东绿化苗木资讯关注我们,期待与您的合作共赢!  山东苗木基地://www.jnbmy.com/   吨袋: //www.sdmlbz.com/ 特色包子加盟://www.nayunxian.com/ 济南中央空调://www.meiqizhileng.com.cn/ 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 山东绿化苗木之小小月季大作用

     月季花不仅好看而且还有很多医用作用,想要了解吗?现在就跟随着山东绿化苗木看看吧! 月季又称为中国玫瑰,山东绿化苗木是目前玫瑰市场的真正花材。月季,学名(Rose chinensis),英文名(Chinese rose),别名长春花、月月红、,又是重要切花材四季蔷薇、斗雪红、瘦客等。月季属蔷薇科。 Rose is also known as the Chinese rose, is currently the market really rose flower material.Rose, scientific name (Rose chinensis), English name (Chinese Rose), alias Yue Yuehong,Changchun, flowers, and is an important cut flower material seasons, Dou Xuehong rose, thinclients. Rose is a rose family.  山东绿化苗木月季花为我国原产品种,已有千年的栽培历史。月季花在世界上被誉为花中皇后,经过二百多年创造了二万多个园艺品种。这些品种归纳起来分为中国月季,微型月季、十姊妹月季,多花月季,特大型月季,单花大型月季和藤本月季。山东绿化苗木月季花的根叶、花可供药用,有活血、解毒、消肿之效;有香气的品种还可提取香精、食用。  Rose is native to China, has a history of thousands of years of cultivation. Rose in the worldknown as the queen of flowers after two hundred years, has created more than 20000 horticulture breeds. These varieties are summed up and divided into China rose, Rosa roelletti,ten sisters rose, floribunda rose, oversize rose, single flowers large rose and Fujimoto Tsukiki.Leaf and root, Chinese rose flower for medicinal, invigorate the circulation of blood,detoxification, swelling effect; aroma varieties can also be extracted essence, edible. 山东绿化苗木月季为常绿或半常绿灌木,具钩状皮刺。羽状小叶3~5枚,花常数朵簇生,微香,单瓣,粉红或近白色。山东绿化苗木月季的应用非常广泛,可种于花坛、花境、草坪角隅等处,也可布置成月季园。藤本月季用于花架、花墙、花篱、花门等。  Rose for the evergreen or semi evergreen shrub, with hooked spines. Pinnate leaflets 3 to 5 medals, flower constant fascicled, slightly fragrant, single, pink or white. Rose is widely used,but in the flower bed, lawn, flower border corner etc, also can be arranged in a rose garden.Fujimoto Tsukiki used to flower, flower wall, flower fence, flower door etc.. 一般来说在大型公园或植物园中多辟有月季园,通常称蔷薇园。 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 山东绿化苗木之法桐虫害的防治方

     跟多种植业的人都知道,法桐一旦受到虫害,轻则该树苗死亡,重则一片种植基地也会害虫侵蚀掉,会给种植人带来巨大的损失,所以人们在种植是对法桐会经常进行灭虫,以减少虫害带来的损失,下面山东绿化苗木为大家介绍下法桐的虫害对法桐带来的影响。 With a variety of planting industry people know, Platanus orientalis once by the pest, light the seedlings death, heavy then a planting base will pest eroded away, will bring enormous loss to growers, so people in the planting of Platanus orientalis is often for pest control, in order to reduce the loss caused by pests, the following professional cultivation Shandong Platanus orientalis Seedlings, and Shandong tung tree Shandong lily seedlings base related personnel to introduce under the influence of Platanus orientalis pest of Platanus orientalis brought. 病虫害防治是山东绿化苗木法桐培育中设施栽培管理上不容忽视的问题, 因为病虫害的发生会降低法桐 质量, 更严重的会影响 造型法桐 的外观等。 下面山东绿化苗木为大家介绍如何做好病虫害防治工作。 首 先,设施内韶环境相对密闭,给病虫害的发生提供了适宜的条件。其次,设施栽培的专业 病虫害防治是法桐培育中设施栽培管理上不容忽视的问题,因为病虫害的发生 会降低法桐质量,更严重的会影响造型法桐的外观等。下面山东绿化苗木为大家介绍如何做好 病虫害防治工作。 首先,设施内韶环境相对密闭,给病虫害的发生提供了适宜的条件。其次,山东绿化苗木设施栽培的专业化、规模化生产为苗圃带来诸如产品质量提升、经济效益增加等等 好处的同时,也使病虫害防治成为一个极为复杂的问题。 Pest control is the cultivation management Fatong cultivation in facilities problems can not be ignored, because the occurrence of pests and diseases will reduce Fatong quality, more serious will affect the appearance of arts. We want to show you how to do a good job of plant diseases and insect pests prevention and control work. First, in the relatively closed environment facilities Shao to plant diseases and insect pests, provides suitable conditions for the occurrence of. Secondly, the facility cultivation of professional pest control is the cultivation management Fatong cultivation in facilities problems can not be ignored, because the occurrence of pests and diseases will reduce Fatong quality, more serious will affect the appearance of arts. We want to show you how to do a good job of plant diseases and insect pests prevention and control work. First of all, in the relatively closed environment facilities Shao to plant diseases and insect pests, provides suitable conditions for the occurrence of. Secondly, a specialized, large-scale production facilities cultivation bring such as product quality improvement, increase economic benefits and so on benefits for the nursery, also make the pest control is a very complex problem. 雌虫无翅,体节区分不较着, 呈苦虫态雕虫有翅,体节较着。胸部有两对发家的气门,喇叭状,轻细内陷成气门陷。山东绿化苗木(//www.jnbmy.com/)主若是剪除法,一是5月上旬前剪除卵囊(也叫虫壳、母壳),集中销毁;二是在6-8月份,剪除被地蜡虫寄生的枝条,并集中焚烧。 Females are wingless, somites differentiate not obvious, was bitter and insect carving insects have wings, somites significant. Chest valve, two on the fortune of horn, light fine invaginated into the valve stuck. If the Lord cut method, one is early May before the cut off the oocysts (also called the worm shell, shell, focused on the destruction of the mother); two is in the 6-8 month, cut off by lac insect parasitic branches, and centralized incineration. 请相关种植人员一定要时常对法桐进行虫害治疗,这样的收获季节才能给自己带来收获。如果您还有更多想要了解的内容,请继续关注我们山东绿化苗木网站,我们会为您提供一系列种植法桐的等植物的解决方法。 Please planting personnel must always be pest treatment of Platanus orientalis, the harvest season that will bring benefit to oneself. If you have more to understand the content, please continue to pay attention to our website, we will provide you with a series of planting Fatong plant solution. 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 五角枫、元宝枫对比,谁比谁强

     五角枫、元宝枫对比,谁比谁强 对于五角枫与元宝枫不少的人对其误解,认为五角枫就是元宝枫其实不然,五角枫与元宝枫因为形态相似常常被人们混淆;下面山东绿化苗木笔者就简单的介绍一下五角枫与元宝枫的异同点,五角枫与元宝枫同为槭树科槭属乔木,两者树形优美,叶果秀丽,秋季叶色变红; For the five maple and Acer truncatum many people misunderstood, that is five Maple Acer truncatum actually otherwise, five maple and Acer truncatum because of morphological similarity are often confused; here I will briefly introduce five Maple Acer truncatum and the similarities and differences of five maple, Acer truncatum and the same as the Acer genus of trees, two beautiful tree, leaves Guo Xiuli, autumn leaves turn red; 元宝枫树干较矮一般在十三米左右,树势较弱,而五角枫树干高达二十多米;元宝枫干皮灰黄色,浅纵裂,小枝灰黄色(一年生枝嫩绿色),光滑无毛;而五角枫的干皮薄,呈灰褐色,嫩枝刚长出时有疏毛,后逐渐脱落。两者都是单叶对生,叶掌状裂。山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/ Yuanbao Maple stem shorter in general thirteen meters, tree vigor is weak, while the five angle Maple stem was more than 20 meters; Acer truncatum stem bark grayish yellow, shallow crack, branchlets grayish yellow (annual branches green), glabrous; and five Maple dry skin is thin, grayish brown, shoots just grow sparsely hair, gradually shedding. Both are unifoliate opposite, palmately cleft leaves. 但元宝枫叶掌状五裂,有时中裂片又分二裂,裂片先端渐尖,叶基通常截形,稀心形,两面均无毛。而五角枫的叶掌状常为五裂,裂片宽三角形,全缘,两面无毛或仅背面脉叶有蔟毛,网状脉两面明显隆起,基部常为心形;五角枫的果展开为钝角,元宝枫的果两翅展开略成直角,五角枫与元宝枫各有各的特点,不要让两种树混为一谈。 But Acer truncatum Bunge leaves palmately five - lobed, lobes sometimes in divided into two lobed, lobe apex acuminate, leaf base usually cordate truncate, thin, glabrous on both surfaces. And leaves palmately five Maple usually five lobed, lobes broadly triangular, margin entire, both surfaces glabrous or only abaxially veined leaf have cluster Mao, reticulate veins conspicuous on both surfaces uplift, base usually cordate; five Maple fruit expansion is an obtuse angle, Acer truncatum Bunge fruit two wings unfolded slightly at right angles, five maple and Yuanbao Maple each have their own characteristics, do not let the two tree be confused. 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 山东苗木基地之玫瑰花茶的功效

         性质温和、男女皆宜。可缓和情绪、平衡内分泌、补血气,美颜护肤、对肝及胃有调理的作用、并可消除疲劳、改善体质,玫瑰花茶的味道清香幽雅,能令人缓和情绪、纾解抑郁,能改善内分泌失调,解除腰酸背痛,对消除疲劳和伤口愈合,滋润养颜,护肤美容,活血,保护肝脏,和胃养肝,消除疲劳,促进血液循环之功能。山东苗木基地 Mild nature, unisex. It can ease the mood, balance the endocrine, blood gas, beauty skin care,conditioning the role of the liver and stomach, and can eliminate fatigue, improve the physique, rose tea taste elegant fragrance, can people ease the mood, relieve depression,can improve the endocrine disorder, relieve back pain, eliminate fatigue and wound healing,nourishing, beauty skin care, promoting blood circulation, protect the liver, stomach and liver,eliminate fatigue, promote blood circulation function.    山东苗木基地据可靠数据得知他 可治慢性胃炎及肝炎。疏肝解郁,健脾降火和血散淤等功效,能治腹中冷痛,胃浣积寒,顺行血气、安神、通便,降火气,可调理血气、促进血液循环,能活血化瘀,可缓和情绪,调整内分泌,较适合因内分泌紊乱而肥胖的mm,调气血,调理女性生理问题; Treatment of chronic gastritis and hepatitis. Jianpi Shugan Jieyu, fire and blood scattered silt and other effects, can cure cold pain in the abdomen, stomach you plot cold, antegrade blood gas, soothe the nerves, defecation, reduce anger, can be conditioning blood, promoting blood circulation, can promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relaxed mood, adjust endocrine, the most suitable due to endocrine disorders and obesity mm, regulating qi and blood, regulating menstrual problems;     较重要的是它的养颜美容功效,常饮可去除皮肤上的黑斑,令皮肤嫩白自然,防皱纹也有帮助。可改善体质,肝郁气滞型的减肥可多喝,有助于减肥;有丰胸调经之效;还可润肠通便。美容养颜瘦身的佳品。 The most important is its beauty and cosmetic effect, often drink removal of dark spots on the skin, make the skin whitening natural, anti wrinkles can also help. Can improve the physique,weight of liver and qi stagnation type can drink, help to lose weight; breast enhancementmenstrual function effect; also can Runchang catharsis. Beauty slimming jiapin. 看到玫瑰花茶是不是很心动啊,心动就行动吧。在这我怕们山东苗木基地(//www.jnbmy.com)祝您美丽常驻

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 山东绿化苗木讲解红叶石楠价值

    枝繁叶茂,树冠圆球形,早春嫩叶绛红,初夏白花点点,秋末累累赤实,冬季老叶常绿,园林观赏价值高。其新梢和嫩叶鲜红且持久,艳丽夺目,果序亦为红色,秋冬季节,红绿相间,极具观赏价值,是绿化树种中不可多得的红叶系列的观叶彩叶树种。其萌芽性强,耐修剪,在黄河流域及其以南几乎全年都可以拥有亮丽的火焰般红色,从而延长观赏期,在园林绿化上用途广泛。 With luxuriant foliage, crown round sphere, crimson leaves in early spring, early summer, little white flowers, Akisue the red, the old winter leaf evergreen, ornamental value and high. The new shoots and leaves of red and persistent, gorgeous and dazzing, infructescence is red, the autumn season, red and green and white, highly ornamental value, is the rare redseries of greening tree species in the foliage of colored leaf trees. Its sprout strong, cut resistant, in the the Yellow River River and the South almost throughout the year can have a bright flame like red, so as to extend the viewing period,wide application in landscape greening. 因其耐修剪且四季色彩丰富,适合在园林景观中做高档色带。一至二年生的红叶石楠可修剪成矮小灌木,在园林绿地中作为色块植物片植,或与其他彩叶植物组合成各种图案。也可培育成主干不明显、丛生形的大灌木,群植成大型绿篱或幕墙,在居住区、厂区绿地、街道或公路绿化隔离带应用,当树篱或幕墙一片火红之际,非常艳丽,极具生机盎然之美。红叶石楠还可培育成独干、球形树冠的乔木,在绿地中作为行道树或孤植作庭荫树。也可盆栽在门廊及室内布置。它对二氧化硫,氯气有较强的抗性,具有隔音功能,适用于街坊、厂矿绿化。 Because of its resistance to the four seasons pruning and rich color, suitable for high-end ribbons in garden landscape.One to the biennial Photinia X can be pruned into dwarf shrub, as color plant tablets in garden greening, planting, or into various patterns and other colorful plant combination. Large shrub can be cultivated into the trunk is not obvious,fascicular shape, group planting large hedge or wall, in the residential area, plant green, street or road green belt separation applications, when the hedge or curtain wall a red occasion, very beautiful, very lively beauty. Photinia alsodevelops into a Dugan, spherical crown trees, in the green space as street trees or parthenogenesis as a shade tree. Can be potted in the lobby and interior layout. It to sulfur dioxide, chlorine has strong resistance, with sound insulationfunction, suitable for the neighborhood, afforest of factories and mines. 红叶石楠生长速度快,萌芽性强,耐修剪等特点,可根据园林需要进行多功能、多层次、立体式的应用。修剪成矮小灌木作为地被植物片植,或与其他彩叶植物组合成各种图案;可培育成小乔木,群植成大型绿篱或幕墙应用在居住区、厂区绿地、街道或公路绿化隔离带;可培育成独干或秋形树冠的乔木,在绿地中孤植或行道树或盆栽后放置在门廊及室内。 Photinia sprout growth speed, strong, cut resistant characteristics, can carry out the application of multifunctional,multi-level, three-dimensional style according to the garden needs. Trimmed dwarf shrub as ground cover plants planted, orinto various patterns and other colorful plant combination; can be cultivated into small trees, group planting largepatches or curtain wall application in residential area, plant green, street or road green belt separation; can becultivated into Dugan or autumn crown of the trees, in the green of the solitary planting or street trees or potted plantsplaced in the lobby and interior. 山东苗木基地://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 在城市中越来越重要地位的山东绿

          现如今人们对环保越来越重视,因此山东绿化苗木也越来越受到大家的欢迎。       在园林绿化工程中,草花也越来越受重视。目前,草花产品已经成为各大城市消费的必需品。如每年各种节假日在重要路口、主城区广场等地摆放时令花卉,还有一些公园、风景区举办的花卉展览,以及社会团体和市民日常需要等。      不论从哪个角度考虑,草花都是装点庭院、美化居室的上好材料。这些草本植物既可以悬挂在花篮里,也可以栽种在花坛里,从而让人们的生活更加五彩缤纷,充满乐趣。草花依靠它自身的特点,在园林绿化上的应用非常广泛,而且草花应用逐渐从平面向立体化发展。立体化应用便是它的流行趋势。据介绍,在欧美等发达国家非常普遍。因为既能节省空间,也能使景观拥有丰富的形态变化,对绿化空间越来越狭小的城市来说,是一个很大的突破。 山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/ 吨袋://www.sdmlbz.com/ 济南防腐木://www.jnszj.cn/ 西斯尔洛科威岩棉://www.yqwy.net/ 济南推拉门://www.sd-24899.com/ 济南中央空调://www.meiqizhileng.com.cn/ 山东苗木基地://www.jnbmy.com/ 济南密度板://www.jnzmdb.com/ 特色包子加盟://www.nayunxian.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 山东苗木基地之石榴移植的较佳时

     根据山东苗木基地对石榴树移植的多年经验证明,在每年的清明节前后,石榴树刚刚发芽时的成活率在95%以上,这时移植石榴树正是吸收水分发芽成活率相对要高。其栽培技术主要有以下几点: That under the Shandong nursery stock base on pomegranate tree transplantation with years of experience, in the year before and after the Qingming Festival, the pomegranate tree just germination and the survival rate in 95% above, then the transplantation of pomegranate tree is to absorb moisture germinate survival rate is relatively high. The cultivation technology mainly has the following several points: 一、种子育苗 选用二年以上树龄产的果子,种子播种前用40℃的干净温水浸泡半天,播种深度1厘米,苗床温度白天保持在25—30℃,夜间不低于15℃,苗土湿润,12—15天即可出苗。苗高10厘米左右即可带土移栽。山东绿化苗木 A seed, seedling selection more than two years of age produce fruit, with clean warm water soak for half a day to 40 DEG C seeds before sowing, sowing depth of 1 cm, the soil temperature during the day in 25 - 30 DEG C, the night is not lower than 15 DEG C, seedling soil moist, 12 - 15 days to emergence. The seedling height of about 10 cm transplanting with soil. 二、扦插育苗 扦插时间为春季。选取健壮枝条,剪成20厘米长的小段,插入土中,深为枝条的一半,保持土壤湿润,注意苗床遮荫,7—10天时间即可生根。 Two, cuttage cutting time for spring. select strong branches, cut into 20 cm long short, inserted into the soil, deep branches half, keep the soil moist seedbed, pay attention to shade, 7 - 10 days can take root. 三、盆景栽种 移栽在花盆上的石榴苗,待生长成活稳定后,苗高15厘米打尖平顶,使其多生侧枝杈,树型繁茂,盆景栽培的四季红石榴个低矮、枝杈多,头一两年株高30厘米左右,侧茎25厘米左右。每株同时开花几十朵,单果重只有30—50克,具有较高的观赏价值。山东苗木基地//www.jnbmy.com/ Three, planted in pots of bonsai transplanting on seedling growth of pomegranate, to be stable after the seedling survival, 15 cm high pinching flat, which many students side branches, tree flourish, bonsai cultivation seasons red pomegranate, low branches, the first one or two years of about 30 cm in plant height, lateral stems to 25 cm left and right. At the same time blossom dozens of flowers per plant, weight only 30 - 50 grams, with high ornamental value. 四、露地栽种 栽植行、株距为60×60厘米。1—2月份保温育苗,当年5月开花秋季结果,4月播种6月开花,夏播的晚秋开花。三年以上的石榴株高60—80厘米,侧茎50—60厘米。每株同时开花近百朵,较大单果重150克,三年以上树龄即进入高产期,四季产果天天上市。//www.jnbmy.com/ Four, open field planting planting rows, rows 60 x 60 cm. 1 - February insulation seedling, in May of that year of autumn sowing in April June the blossom, blossom, summer late autumn blossom. More than three years of pomegranate height 60 - 80 centimeters, the side of the stem 50 - 60 cm. At the same time, nearly a hundred flowers blossom per plant, the maximum fruit weight 150 grams, more than three years old enters high period, Four Seasons fruit every day listed. 山东苗木基地、山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 桂花养殖还是山东苗木基地

     在山东苗木基地中,对于桂花苗木的种植离不开专业的种植管理, 其中山东苗木基地对于桂花苗木的种植有几个技术要点相信大家是有必要了解一下的: In Shandong nursery stock base, the sweet scented osmanthus seedlings planted cannot do without planting management professional, the Shandong nursery stock base for the sweet scented osmanthus seedlings planted several technical points I believe we are necessary to understand the: 1、施肥以薄肥勤施为原则,速效氮肥为主,中大苗全年施肥三四次,早春期间在树盘内施有机肥,促进春梢生长,入冬前期需施无机肥或垃圾杂肥,其间可根据桂花生长情况,施肥一两次,新移植的桂花,追肥不宜太早,移植坑穴的基肥应与土壤拌匀再覆土。山东苗木基地 1, fertilization to thin fertilizer to be applied frequently as the principle, available nitrogen fertilizer in seedling, fertilizer three or four times a year, during the early spring in tree disc organic fertilizer, promote the growth of the spring shoot, early winter to application of inorganic fertilizer or manure waste, meanwhile according to the growth of sweet scented osmanthus, fertilization one or two times, newly transplanted sweet scented osmanthus, topdressing should not be early transplantation, pit base fertilizer and soil mix shall be re covered soil. Shandong nursery stock base manager 2、山东苗木基地浇水与排涝桂花的浇水主要在新种植后的一个月内和种植当年的夏季。新种植的桂花一定要浇透水,山东苗木基地有条件的应对植株的树冠喷水,以保持一定的空气湿度。桂花不耐涝,及时排涝或移植受涝害植株,并加入一定量的沙子种植,可促进新根生长。 2, the Shandong nursery stock base being watered and drainage of sweet scented osmanthus watering mainly in the new month after planting and planting year in summer. The new planting osmanthus must be watered, Shandong nursery stock base like conditional coping plant canopy water, to maintain a certain air humidity. Sweet scented osmanthus not waterlogging, timely drainage or transplant waterlogging plants, adding a certain amount of sand plant, can promote the growth of new root. 3、山东苗木基地中耕除草,在以主干为中心1米直径的树盘内重点松土和除草,灌水或降雨后,为防止土壤板结进行中耕松土。 3, the Shandong nursery stock base we like weeding in backbone as the center, 1 meters in diameter of the tree disc key scarification and weeding, irrigation or rainfall, to prevent soil compaction by ripper. 山东苗木基地、山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/

    2019-03-12 电议
  • 运输途中怎样处理才能让国槐的成

    山东苗木基地为了保证移栽苗木的成活,在起苗时,必须对树体进行处理,做为行道树的国槐,一般按照2.5-2.8的高度定干,进行去树冠重剪,并打接腊封顶,减少树冠部分由于蒸腾作用,而消耗树体内水分,对根系进行修剪,去掉断根,烂根,短截无侧根的主根,之后,再对根系进行蘸浆处理,用100ppm 浓度的ATP生根粉拌浆蘸根,为减少根系在长距离运输途中大量失水。用稻草绳缠树干,然后喷水保湿,并且夜间行车。山东苗木基地:www.jnbmy.com/ In order to guarantee the survival of transplanting seedlings, the seedling, must carry on processing to the tree, as trees Sophora japonica, general according to the height of the 2.5-2.8 stem to canopy, heavy pruning, and then hit the cap crown wax, due in part to reduce transpiration and water consumption, tree body, on the root pruning, remove the root after a short section, root rot, no lateral roots, taproot, root dip treatment was again on the pulp, with the 100ppm concentration of ATP rooting powder slurry dipping root, in order to reduce the root of excessive water loss in the long distance transportation. With a straw rope wrapped around tree trunks, and then spray moisturizing, and driving at night.knowledge, consult 山东苗木基地、山东绿化苗木://www.jnbmy.com/ 山东打包带/吨袋: //www.sdmlbz.com/ 特色包子加盟:www.nayunxian.com/ 烤漆房://www.zqtzcjx.com  电缆桥架://www.sdhangfeng.com 滑触线://www.jnjndq.com/ 济南中央空调://www.meiqizhileng.com.cn/ 特色包子加盟://www.nayunxian.com/ 地源热泵 //www.zhongrui.cc    米线加盟//www.jnshanhong.com 济南空调安装://www.jnslshwx.com 山东防腐木://www.jnszj.cn/ 山东电缆桥架://www.sddlqj.cn/ 济南编导培训,济南播音主持培训://www.zscmjy.com

    2019-03-12 电议
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